508 search results
Use the same"Where Clauses"
Support Deployments to Azure SQL Data Warehouse
migration script need names, dates and tagging
Option to Ignore External Table Location · completed
Show how many records have been processed in a table (useful for large tables)
On-the-fly query keyboard shortcut
Provide AWS AMI for Redgate SQL Data compare
Copy Filters between databases, or have a standard Filter template.
Be able to add space between two right parentheses · declined
Three way data merging with DCO · declined
sqlsompare report · completed
SSMS Schema Folders compatibility
XML Data Type method layout SQL support · completed
Preview XML Datatype
Stand-alone app · completed
Selecting TABLES list from Excel / Text file ?
Visual Studio Improvements · completed
Custom computed comparison key for matching table records
Rife with Out of Memory Exceptions.
Develop DECLARE @column_name column_type from Table · declined