509 search results
Allow Deployment wizard the ability to list or disable Foreign Key constraints
More efficient scripting for non-varchar/nvarchar extended properties
Add the command "USE [DatabaseName]" at the top of the script, when using the 'Script Object as Alter F12' feature.
Feature request: Remove "AS" clauses from Group By lines... · declined
"Script as INSERT" should refer to current table instead of a temp table
The whole thing is dead sexy. · completed
Add formatting for CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE syntax · completed
Enable comparison of columns encrypted with Always Encrypt
Add Error Handling to PL/SQL Blocks
Project level variables / merge fields
Ignore MASKING FUNCTION on columns · completed
Close pop up windows when holding down the control key while editing sql in SSMS
Support TFS Proxy Server for Remote Development
Add support for SQL Server Management Studio 20.
Simple folder based source control · completed
Be able to add space between two right parentheses · declined
ignore constraints
When searching for a string, include a count of instances within each object within search results
Add "xxx tables or views with 0 rows" to the result list
Disable check constraints