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SQL Compare

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SQL Compare



252 results found

  1. Allow SQL Compare to use a remote Git repository as the source of a comparison.

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  2. I've recently hit a problem when using SQL Compare (which was logged as request #322451).

    I am reasonably sure the issue is with the database, not the tool, but when using debug logging, there's just not enough information to understand why it gets stuck on "reading object text (99%)" for over 20 minutes for a specific database, yet is very fast on other similarly sized databases.

    Some additional logging during the comparison phase might help to work out why this is happening.

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  3. When I generate the HTML report that it defaults back to the old view. Then simple formatting differences is shown, which were not part of the interactive view when using the SQL Prompt setting.

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  4. When using SQL Change Automation command line, it would be helpful to suppress warnings for ignored statements. Since these scripts are checked into source control, these warnings will get long over time with addition of more scripts.

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  5. When I schema compare in order to copy a database, I often want to create a new database as target. Could it be possible to default the collation of the new database to the one of the already selected source? Or at least make it possible to see the collation of the source database right there in the tool? There are hundreds of collations to choose from, and mostly I get it wrong and then I have to await the compare process and go back and delete the new database and do it all over. Seems like an easy fix.…

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  6. Similar to the idea from Steve Hall for SQL Data Compare, SQL Compare should also get the ability to read backups compress by SQL Server.
    There is a feature for compressed backups, but unfortunately "this compression is not supported" if you try to read from a BAK with the standard compression of MSSQL.
    That would be very important to make partial restores and to have an efficient way to deal with the day-to-day tasks, because bih DBs cannot be handled without compression.

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  7. If I open up Tools --> Application Options in SQL Compare, I see SQL Server Management Studio 19, but not 20 which has been out for months now. And I believe it is the same in SQL Data Compare as well.

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  8. Highlight newer last modified date.

    In SQL Compare, highlight somehow the Last Modified date that is newer/more recent especially in the "in both, but different" category of SQL object comparisons.

    Thinking it would help pick the appropriate object that was worked on most recently.

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  9. I use something like domain\UserDEV for development and domain\UserPRD for production.

    I can ignore a users permissions but I don't need a list of users that I know won't exist in different environments.

    This confuses business users when I try to show/demonstrate the exported report.

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  10. It would be great if SQL Data Compare/SQL Compare work with External Tables in Azure Synapse Serverless database.

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  11. Sometimes databases are set up such that each schema is supposed to have the same objects, defined in the same way, as all the others. Ex: SchemaA.Table1, SchemaA.Table2, SchemaB.Table1, SchemaB.Table2, SchemaC.... This is used as an alternative to multiple databases. Unfortunately, not all objects are always set up the same and thus the need to compare them.

    SQL Compare will let you compare a database to itself, and you can use the "Owner mapping" tab to cross the schema names (e.g. map side 1 SchemaA to side 2 SchemaB), but the comparison has to go in both directions (also map…

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  12. Every time a SQL Compare project is closed, a modal dialog pops up to save unsaved changes every time, even if the project was just saved. This dialog should not pop up if the project is not dirty.

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  13. On Data Sources modal, make the Scripts folder dropdown box editable so the folder name can be edited/pasted without having to go into the open folder dialog box.

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  14. We want to use the SQL Prompt view tab in SQL Compare, but you apparently specifically need the SQL Toolbelt or SQL Toolbelt Essential licence.

    We don't have SQL Toolbelt (anymore), but we have both Redgate Deploy and SQL Prompt Professional, and i believe we also have all the tools shipped with SQL Toolbelt.

    Can't this tab also be made available for people using Redgate Deploy and/or SQL Prompt Professional, as we have all the tools/software of the Toolbelt already (i guess), but the bundle is named different...?

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  15. Currently, the deployment wizard allows us to select referenced objects and referencing objects. It would be nice if these could be separated so there were two different options. My scenario is wanting to create a small testable DB and only bringing over the minimal amount of schema to get things working. Dependencies are clearly needed, but I don't need objects that rely on the objects deployed.

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  16. 3 votes
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  17. Managing multiple projects is cumbersome with the modal windows that pop up. They also force a clunky workflow when copying credentials from a 3rd party manager to the popup windows.

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  18. I used to review the changes on a separate windows on a vertically aligned monitor. This allowed me to fast review changes of most objects without using the scrollbar.

    Now, for even a small table with constraints, FKs and permissions there is scrolling needed. I need constantly to resize either that upper panel to see objects or bottom one to see changes. SQL review tasks are taking much longer now.

    The Summary view is a nice concept but far from production usability.

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  19. I have multiple databases which have the same columns (mostly) but sometimes differing defaults.

    They also have different indexes.

    I'd like to choose to ONLY sync indexes across.

    Obviously the system would need to be intelligent enough to sync only those that have the columns they use/include in both source and destination.

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  20. Version 15 adds checkboxes for Encryption and to Trust a server certificate, but if you don't maintain proper certificates you now always need to check the Trust server certificate box on both servers for new comparisons. It would be great if there was an option to default the behavior of these checkboxes to fit your environment.

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