Settings and activity
2 results found
27 votes
We have a couple of options for this which may help some folks who have voted or commented.
For SQL Change Automation projects, the SSMS plugin now allows users to select only specific columns to add to the project for static data tables.
For both SQL Change Automation projects and for SQL Source Control projects, you also have the option to use a post-deployment script to dynamically control how static data is deployed to a given environment.
An example post-deployment script for this is here:
Oliver Schmidt supported this idea ·
636 votes
Hi everyone. I have merged some User Voice items on this topic of “filtered” static data, as there was significant overlap. I want to share our current guidance on handling scenarios where you need to version a subset of the columns and/or rows in the table.
With SQL Source control, the best option at this point is to use a post-deployment script for this purpose.
SQL Source Control introduced pre- and post- scripts in v6.3.
A post-deployment script gives you a good amount of flexibility over exactly which rows or columns of data you want to include in your project. Example post-deployment scripts for static data are here:
If you make heavy use of Static Data, we have stronger support for this in SQL Change Automation.
SQL Change Automation:
- Supports column filtered static data tables in the SCA plugin in SSMS
- Supports multiple post-deployment scripts, in case there is…
Oliver Schmidt supported this idea ·