506 search results
I just started using SQL search and the tool is able to find words I filter by however I have scroll through lines of code in my results to
Export the list of static data linked
Include sys.message custom messages in static data
Add the command "USE [DatabaseName]" at the top of the script, when using the 'Script Object as Alter F12' feature.
Format pasted-in list
Ignore MASKING FUNCTION on columns · completed
Intellisense for User Defined Table Types · completed
Add a "Check Static Data" now button to the "Get Latest" tab when auto-check of static data is unselected
Automatically alias tables and columns in existing scripts
Click to run pinned queries
Warn before running code that might fire trigger
provide additional binary data view options (i.e. PDF, Word, HTML)
export to excel options
Add "use <<Database>>" as an option in SQL Data Compare
Add $Query$ to execute when inserting a snippet
Generate a Script rather than Apply changes in the Get Latest tab
As an deployment engineer I'd like to run environment specific scripts during deployment
distinguish between unique and non-unique indexes
Add constraints to column details on column hover · completed
Keeping history of locked and unlocked objects