510 search results
Support different static data per customer · under review
Incorrect differences shown for data changes
I have found that User Defined Data Types are not scripted after stored procedures that use that data type.
Allow comparing/synching static data from source control · declined
Accurate floating point comparison in SQL Data Compare · completed
Use JSON as a data source
Display summary of Static Data differences
XML Data Type method layout SQL support · completed
Provide AWS AMI for Redgate SQL Data compare
Warn when Get Latest cause data loss
Support for SQL Server 2008 "data_compression" keyword · completed
SQLCompareOptions switch should support SQL Data Compare options. · completed
Add a "Check Static Data" now button to the "Get Latest" tab when auto-check of static data is unselected
Link/Unlink Static Data - change to non-modal dialog
Removing column does not generate update in static data
Filter for sensitivity of column data type comparison
updated data on static tables
Foreign keys recreated with NOCHECK during data sync
New code analysis rule: predicate data type agreement
Support Change Data Capture (CDC) · completed