SQLCompareOptions switch should support SQL Data Compare options.
The SQLCompareOptions switch supports only commandline options from SQL Compare but not from SQL Data Compare that are used for static data compare.
We need the option "Force binary collation" for detect case-sensitively changes on a case-insensitive collation.

As of SQL Change Automation Powershell 3.3.19177 you can now tweak static data comparison behaviour by providing SQL Data Compare options to the cmdlets.
AdminMaya Malakova (Admin, Redgate) commented
As of SQL Change Automation Powershell 3.3.19177 you can now tweak static data comparison behaviour by providing SQL Data Compare options to the cmdlets. Check out the release notes at https://documentation.red-gate.com/sca3/release-notes-and-other-versions/powershell-module-release-notes/sql-change-automation-powershell-3.3-release-notes
Chris Michael commented
This would be so useful in a couple of areas.
First, we have triggers which adds user/time updated data to columns for audit purposes which will obviously be different from dev/test to live. Really, the static data linkage should be all columns except these. At the moment, these differences cause all of the data to be overwritten even though they are substantially the same.
Second, our live environment is replicated and therefore has rowguid columns to manage the replication. We obviously have no control over this as that is how SQL Server works. Once again, when DLM Automation sees differing rowguids it overwrites all of the data. Leaving these updates in place would then trigger replication for all the data, hardly any of which has changed, causing delays to any implementation while replication completes.
We desperately need to be able to filter certain columns out of the static data linkage in order to use this product effectively or else we end up with a part automated/pat manual solution. That just gives people an excuse to give up on the automation.
Scott Hembrough commented
We definitely need this as well. Our static data tables (unfortunately) have timestamp columns on them. This causes SQL compare to fail, which prevents us from deploying static data changes. Having the ability to exclude timestamp columns via SQL Data Compare options would resolve this issue and enable us to use this feature.
Anonymous commented
Is there something new? That's for almost 6 months on status "UNDER REVIEW"
Oliver Schmidt commented
Let me left a quote from your homepage:
>The DLM Automation Suite takes care of your database automation using the world’s most >trusted technology for SQL Server database changes: the SQL Compare engine.
That means you say no and your homepage say yes ? How can Inow automate with the world's most trusted technology. Instead of the engine without any options ?