Let SQL Compare adopt the Comparison Options of Source Control Source
Unfortunately SQL Compare does not adopt the Comparison Options specified by the Source (here git repository created by SQL Source Control) which are saved in "ComparisonOptions.xml" in the git repository. Instead in SQL Compare I have to click on "Edit project" -> "Options" and check again "Ignore users' permissions and role memberships". This feels somehow not intuitive. During setup of the SQL Compare project a checkbox "adopt comparison options from source" would be nice - or maybe an "adopt" button just after setup.
I saved the SQL Compare project as an .scp file which in fact is an XML file. I see that the comparison option "IgnoreUsers" is saved inside the XML document under /Project/Options. So of course SQL Source Control and SQL Compare are 2 different products but they share alot, e.g. the comparison option dialog. Unfortunately they share not the saved configuration of the comparison option.