Excluding a role in v. 14 should exclude its permissions as was the case for v. 13
Using the SQL Compare v. 13 CLI to exclude a role that exists only in the target database used to also skip permissions granted to that role. The resulting script did not revoke the role's permissions in the target. Now, in v. 14 (, excluding the role only keeps the role from being dropped. The resulting script revokes all permissions granted to that role in the target. We think this new behavior represents a defect that should be fixed. See my support request 225533. I am told there is a bug report that addresses this issue: SC-10183. However, I don't know the exact nature of that report, and was informed that it is a low priority. Without the fix, in order to continue using the latest version of SQL Compare, we need to change our methodology for pairing database permissions to users maintained in our company's access auditing system. Ironically, we created the methodology in part to match how SQL Compare (pre-v14) handled role exclusions. Like every customer, we rely on these tools having consistent behavior over time to avoid introducing defects into our production systems.