Add a Rollback Script Save option for both SQL Compare & Data Compare
In order to create a rollback script, we currently need to reverse the direction of deployment, save the rollback script, cancel the deployment, change the direction, then proceed with deployment in the correct direction. It would be great if the same screen on the Deployment Wizard would allow you to save BOTH a change script and a rollback script.
Ram Sola commented
Currently there is no functionality of creating rollback script when deployment script is generated using SQL compare. It will be really helpful if we can have rollback script as well when we are moving new changes to target we should be able to rollback them using script and not using backup or snapshot
kenzo commented
Rollbacks are a real world reality. Depends on the environment but anybody who deploys object changes to database will eventually need to do a rollback.
Would be a great, repeat great, feature that would set sqlcompare apart from competitors.
Jeff Taylor commented
I have worked with many companies which require this. Most large 'old school' IT companies ALWAYS require a rollback in case of issues during deployments. If you need information about this feel free to contact me.
Andrew commented
This would be excellent. I pre-generate rollback scripts for all of my deployments, and it's unfortunate that the new compare with reversed direction doubles the overall generation time. Built-in support for this would hopefully use the same temporary files as the original compare, reducing the performance overhead.