Compare on object
Need an option/ability to re-compare just one object like table, procedure,view or function etc. If my database contains 1000+ objects, if I modify one of them, there should be right click re-compare menu to just re-compare that one object. Instead of comparing the whole database. Comparing whole database take a bit of time when work remotely. Even though I have filters, it takes quite a bit of time.

GT commented
I need this as well. I am using the command line in a very busy shared environment on a DB with many objects. It takes 5+ minutes to do a compare, I'm using the /Include:Table:<regex> option to just get the specific objects I want, but the process compares every single object in the db then applies the regex filters. It would be a HUGE time saver/quality of life improvement, if the regex filters could be applied up front to just find objects matching the name, and then do the compare on just them.
Ken Rubin commented
Great idea. It would be nice if this was integrated into SQL Management Studio.