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SQL Data Compare

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SQL Data Compare



113 results found

  1. I would like to see all the differences from "Only in left" and "Only in right" and "In both but different" in one view/tab.

    I know you can turn off "Show identical values in results" from the project options and then use "All Rows" but that requires a re-compare which can take a long time.

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  2. SQL Data Compare resorts the files during every check in preventing source control from correctly reporting changes.

    1) It prevents us from performing code reviews on data checked in.
    2) It prevents us from figuring out who made a change and when without huge efforts.

    We have tried to live with this behavior but are finding it extremely frustrating.

    When users add a new record, SQL Data Compare first sorts the existing file and then adds the new record to the top of the file. This makes it look like the user is performing multiple actions in source control causing…

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  3. Can we please get the ability to export the contents of the SQL Data Compare results window (containing the rows with differences) to Excel, complete with the cell formatting seen in the application? I.e. headers for fields with differences in bold, cells with differences highlighted a different colour, etc.

    This functionality exists in SQL Prompt (exporting from SSMS, admittedly without the formatting) so surely should be possible from Data Compare also?

    Even better would be to be able to do this for all tables/subsets selected in the list of tables above the results window (i.e. all the data included by…

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  4. It would be useful to sort a column so that differences appear first (or last). This could be done through a right click on the column headers and selecting the type of sort to perform.

    When comparing dataset with a large number of different rows (in my case 150k) where one column may having only 1 row that's different its next to impossible to find that row. Using the mouse to drag the scroller skips too much to be useful and paging down takes FOREVER.

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  5. Compare does not read from SQL backups that have used the native compression, although they can read from Redgate Backup files that have been compressed. I think that it should also be able to read from SQL compressed backups, as not all users will have Redgate Backup software.
    This would be beneficial to all, because it would create a way of restoring lost data without using a partial restore, to any user that has this Compare software.

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  6. My primary usage as QA is to use some DB as a baseline, run old code against it, run new code against it, and compare the results. Most of the differences are the times that records were updated or other time related fields. I am only interested in the data differences. All of the datetime field differences clutter the comparison and increase my analysis time by about a factor of 20.
    I know I could go in and manually find all of the datetime fields in each of the 300-600 tables (depending on the DB) and un-check all the datetime…

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  7. Would like to be able to assign a color to server/database combinations so that I can easily see what database will be updated. For example, my PROD database would always be colored red and it would help from pushing changes to the wrong database.

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  8. Often times updating a column on a table is dependent on a new record being inserted. I would prefer to be able to define the order for these to run in.

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  9. When a database has calculated fields, SQL Data Compare seems to process them and it takes a long time. Since these fields are calculated, they will never be updated so these should be ignored. At this time, we have to un-select each calculated field to improve on performance.

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  10. using the SQL Data Compare version 10 and Version 14.1 ( by the way I saw the same issue in version 13.)
    For tables where the user has to set the Comparison Keys
    In version 10 when the Comparison Key is SET and it changes to Custom , the check both between the two databases been compared is selected automatically. This is not the case in version 14.1

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  11. Provide an option (in gui and command line) to add a CHANGETRACKINGCONTEXT to the generated deployment script.

    This is helpful when using sql change tracking for synchronization to manage whether the changed made under a provided CHANGETRACKINGCONTEXT need to be synchronized or not.

    When enabling change tracking we have to make sure that the data in the tables are identical on both sides. Thats were we use SQL Data Compare, but the changes made for that "initial sync" shouldn't be recognized by change tracking for later synchronization.

    This would be very easy if you could just…

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  12. Provide an right -click option to generate the deployment change for a row (or possibly multiple rows) from the difference panel. Similar to the Show Object Deployment Script option in the summary panel.

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  13. Data Compare almost always fails because of frequent (but short) network outages. If we could specify the timeout, this problem would be solved.

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  14. I've got some bugs during trial and I would like to send bug reports to support, but only licensed users can do it...

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  15. I've got some bugs during trial and I would like to send bug reports to support, but only licensed users can do it...

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  16. I have written were clauses for about 100 tables for data sync. while I do not want to sync just yet I do want to make sure I have no typos in the where clauses. Please add some option to run a "select top 1 where ..." from each table marked for comparison so I can fast check for where clause errors (currently I have to wait for each table to completely compare and if I have typos in the where clause of table 98 it will take me long time to find this out)

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  17. After reviewing the result of table(s) comparison, it should be easier to choose by clicking a box by the column header for which column(s) you want to sync across to the target DB.

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  18. Earlier versions would maintain the Where Clause when it was the same for multiple selected tables. We have a project that never changes other than one part of the where clause but I have to re-enter the same where clause every time. It's only saved per individual row.

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  19. When we upgrade an application, say by adding tables, we use frequently use SQL Data Compare to move the data from the old database to the new, upgraded database. It would be great to be able to migrate the CDC data for the tables in the original version of the database to the new version!

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  20. when expecting a perfect match, please provide an option to halt the compare after a user-provided number of mismatches.

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