Source Control for Oracle connection dialog does not seem to like service names instead of old-school SIDs
and maybe other Oracle tools in addition to Source Control. I attempted to connect with a full service name e.g.
and it said the SID was invalid. Well, umm, yes, because it is a SERVICE name not an SID, but perfectly legitimate in an Oracle connection nonetheless. This is related to the EZCONNECT suggestion I also posted.
If there is no oracle client install and located by the software then we can only connect via a sid. Often it can be issue with having a x64 client but running the x86 tool
AdminRichard Mitchell (Admin, Redgate) commented
The tools can connect using a service name they just require to have located the oracle client in order to do so as they can't do it with the built-in client alone.
When a Oracle client is located a drop-down appears beside the input box to specify if the given value is a SID or service name.
Allen R. Marshall commented
And the instance name may look like service.fqdn where fqdn is a fully qualified domain name
e.g. such as PLSQL Developer, all this looks exactly like:
Allen R. Marshall commented
I guess I have misstated the issue/suggestion. I have a 32-bit client installed. It uses either an SID or a fully-qualified-service-name happily with tools like PLSQL / Developer and my own code. If I try to put in a fully-qualified-service-name in the RG SCFO tool, it will not connect, using the connection dialog.
SID and SERVICE NAME connections are for all intents and purposes identical from the client perspective. IF I connect like this:
that is the same as
SQLPLUS USER/PWD@host:port/instance
I may not be stating this quite right but the second alternative did not work for me in RG SCFO... but I think it should do...
Allen Marshall (FORG)