Consider using shorter names for localdb name
The name for localdb appears to be sqlchangeautomation_ + a guid. I'm using Azure Devops deployment using sql change automation, when I use an agent name that is longer than 4 characters and use localdb in the build, I get an error message that states there is a path error. The generated localdb name is in the pattern sqlchangeautomation_ + a guid. This causes by builds to fail because part of the path is longer than 256 characters when the product is putting the necessary object into the user temp directory. if the pattern for generating the localdb name was something shorter like SCA_ + a guid that would save 17 characters in the path length and would let me use a build agent user with a name of 21 characters long instead of only 4 long. An alternate to this would be to allow the path to be overridden from the user temp directory (using the user environment variable TEMP to a shorter path root via a setting in the product.

Steve Jones commented
If this is your agent path being quite long, perhaps you could revisit that portion of your infrastructure? While I do agree that a shorter name might be useful here, I don't know if we want to make the change to the product here. I realize that moving localdb can be disruptive as well, so I am curious as to what path you used or have that causes the issue.