47 results found
Use SSMS fonts and keyword colors in Object Preview
One thing I like about ApexSQL Search is that it uses my configured font styles and keyword colors from SSMS in the object preview/definition window. I would LOVE to see this implemented in the RedGate tool because it would make it easier to read the object code.
3 votes -
Font Size setting for SQL Search results
Simply allow font size settings on SQL Search results ... OR ... Post where in Windows this default font might be found. Current results are so small as to be very difficult to use
5 votes -
Adjust the overall font size in the UI by percentage like in a browser.
Adjust the overall font size in the UI by percentage like in a browser.
1 vote -
Start search at button press
Search start - please make it at button press. The current "automatic" start might be annoying, especially when a very long search starts automatically after the input fileds are touched/leaved.
18 votes -
Search within results
Search within results
5 votes -
Save Search Results
Please provide an option to save the search results to a file. This is very helpful when there are a lot of objects that match the search criteria.
17 votes -
Habilidad de copiar código de la ventana de vista previa sin haber grabado un documento en SPID abierto
Hola, trabajo todos los días en SQL Management Studio y SQL Search es una herramienta clave para mí, he notado que puedo copiar código que sale en la vista previa si tengo SPID abierto y el código que se muestra esta grabado en un archivo, pero muchas veces estamos modificando consultas o procedimientos y deseamos reutilizar código, se podrá habilitar el comando copiar aunque no tenga grabado el archivo o código con un SPID abierto? sería de gran ayuda gracias.
3 votes -
Ability to filter searches to just selected table(s)
Add the ability in SQL Search to filter one selected tables within a database.
1 vote -
global filter at the top of the databases tree
At the moment, you can filter on each node; tables/views/SP's etc. This takes ages often.
I would like to see a filter up at the top of the tree, that filters the whole tree as you type. No dialog, just a filter text entry box at the top.
1 vote -
Allow for keyboard shortcuts
Your sql search tool is great, while using it. However, it would be even better, if you could allow a user a way to kick off the tool without the toolbar button. I use VS and management studio without toolbars and via keyboard shortcuts. I would love to see a keyboard shortcut entry to kick off a SQL Search, and\or a means via menus.
Thank you.
6 votes -
Highlight / Copy doesn't seem to work in the Script panel
When you click on a match and see the script in the lower panel, I can highlight with my mouse but Ctrl-C doesn't copy what I've highlighted to the clipboard. That would be handy!
5 votes -
5 votes
enable/disable trigger icon
I was wondering if trigger icon could have a status indicator, whether it is disabled or not.
currently (ver 3.5.2) it only shows like this.
But i'd like to have an indicator on the icon whether it's disabled or not

1 vote -
Include a dark mode
Allow users to select to use a dark theme for SQL Search, ideally this would pick up from their settings (if on Windows at least)
24 votes -
Navigate back and forth between occurrences in search result
I need a way to move between occurrences of a SQL Search search result (either keyboard shortcut or button/icon).
Lets say I have a bunch of long stored procedures and the name of a certain table occurs a few times within each of those procedures. I use SQL Search to search for the name of that table.
Right now, each occurrence of the that table name will be highlighted in the code, but I have to manually scroll through the code to find the highlighted occurrences. This can become a pain if I have to scroll both horizontally and vertically.…
10 votes -
make bottom panel markdown friendly for tables
When you are looking at table in the bottom panel, it would be nice if you changed the columns and rows ever so slightly. Instead of making the single dash continuous but made the two horizontal lines continuous instead, then, when you copy and paste this into a Markdown file, it will format it properly
Column | Datatype | Computed value
Id | int |
Column | Datatype | Computed value
Id | int |
...1 vote -
1 vote
Allow to search Azure Managed Instances
Allow to search Azure Managed Instances
10 votes -
Add quick "Go To Object" like SqlSmash
SQLSmash (http://www.sqlsmash.com) has a wonderful "Go To Object" tool that I use regularly. It helps me navigate to SQL objects quickly without having to point and click. All I have to do is type CTRL+, and start typing the name of the object. It will filter the names based on what I type, and when I click enter it will select the object in Object Explorer.
It is much better at finding tables, views, & stored procs on the fly than SQL Search. It is especially helpful when working in multiple databases simultaneously. I had previously posted this…
9 votes -
Color the Server name in the Object Explorer to match it's tabs.
I love the colored tabs but to better know which server/database I'm working with I'd like to see the server and its children in the Object Explorer with the same colored background to match it's tabs. This would help to visually to associate what server I'm working with when I have a lot of servers and databases open.
2 votes
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