Bug - Rename Table and Field
Table tblTableA with field fldFieldA is renamed tblTableB and field fldFieldB.
Then map tables between two different databases.
Script snippet generated in renaming field is something like:
IF (COLLENGTH(N'[dbo].[tblTableA]', N'fldFieldA) IS NOT NULL) AND (COLLENGTH(N'[dbo].[tblTableB]', N'fldFieldB') IS NULL)
EXEC sp_rename N'[dbo].[tblTableB].[fldFieldA]', N'fldFieldB', N'COLUMN'
Obviously I have omitted other script details, but hopefully you get the idea, that this will not work as the table has been renamed.

Update: It turns out this bug was really easy to fix – we’ve released it to our Frequent updates channel.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for your feedback. I’ve managed to reproduce this issue locally and I’ve logged it with reference number SC-8948.
I’m going to close this user voice request since this is for a bug rather than a new feature. (We track these in a slightly different way and want to make sure we triage this appropriately). If you’d like to track the progress of this fix please get in contact with our support team by emailing support@red-gate.com.