BUG: SQL Difference pane shows non-existing differences in preview bar
The preview bar on the left of SQL Difference pane shows dark blue segments for the lines that have no actual difference at all. It also appears that it is showing them for the comment lines generated by the tool, like -- Columns and -- Permissions. Version Professional

We think we’ve fixed this bug in the latest Frequent Update release, version 12.0.34. Does this solve your problem?
Sergey Feduleyev commented
Problem is resolved. Thank you guys!
You might need to turn on Frequent Updates in order to see 12.0.34 - see https://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SC12/Turning+on+Frequent+Updates for more details
Sergey Feduleyev commented
Latest version I was able to install today was It does not resolve the problem. Once 34 is available, I'll check again. Thanks!
Sergey Feduleyev commented
Actually, the lines are EXACTLY comment lines -- Columns and -- Permissions. They are highlighted randomly and may change after a refresh.