Avoid creation of Recovery tables
Please give an option to ignore Recore tables creation. I am trying to use SQLCompare in DevOps model to avoid long release timings. But if there is any data type change to a huge table then current concept of creation of recovery tables is disabling all the FK's, removing indexes and eventually creating a new table. This is very long process and not benefitting the projects. There should be an option to avoid the creation of Recovery tables. Please think in that perspective.
Sarmadh commented
alter table add column, alter table alter column syntaxes should get executed as it is when it is moved from Source database to Destination database. instead if it create an RG table then it is increasing the overhead. Anyways REDGATE is generating explicit transaction then why do we need RG tables. It can be optional. You can provide a switch to ignore as we are ignoring many as per our need...like..ignore comments, ignore constraints, ignore keys...i am looking forward for ignore RECOVERY tables...
@sarmadh - what would your preferred way be of making this specific change?