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93 results found
26 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment You could consider running the SQL Compare command line to compare a dev DB with the contents of your version controlled repository. This will tell you what hasn't been checked in, but won't tell you which developer is responsible (unless you each have your own dev instances).
An error occurred while saving the comment Are you using the shared or dedicated database model?
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment SQL Source Control has an "owner" column in the commit screen (after the "type" column) that shows the schema an object belongs to. Is this what you're looking for?
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment You should be able to load a .scp into SQL Data Compare and a .sdc into SQL Compare today.
24 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment We're sorry about this issue. We're rewriting the GUI and hopefully we'll ensure that there's an option to multi-select rows and set the checkbox state in the new GUI. In the meantime the workaround is to use Schema Compare for Oracle, comparing the scripts folder with the database. Schema Compare allows rows to be multi-selected and the space bar will toggle the checkbox state.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment You can sort on the checkbox column and all the selected tables will group together.
8 votes
Kendra responded
The sqlcodeguard.exe command line may help with this request. The command line is in ‘preview’ mode and we value your further/continued feedback if you like the feature.
An error occurred while saving the comment @Ian Wilkinson - have you tried the sqlcodeguard.exe command line for this purpose?
32 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @anonymous - worth considering a migrations-based approach, so you can explicitly decide what changes are made to your database. Alternatively consider using a pre-deployment script that drops / truncates your tables.
25 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @al gruver - SQL Dependency Tracker does just that. It's not an ERD tool in the sense that you can make edits to the diagram and push these changes to a live database, but you can reverse engineer from a database to create a diagram.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment @david rizzo - Would you be able to provide more context around why you need this?
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @chris woods - Thanks for this idea. We may eventually do something like this in future so we can better provide reports / audit trails on past deployments, but in the meantime I would imagine you could do this yourself from your deployment tool by adding a step post-deployment that updates an extended property?
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @ben b - when you say "allow git clones", can you be more specific about the problem this would be solving and where in the workflow you feel this should be? Do you mean branch creation once you have a local clone, or creating the clone from a remote URL?
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @tdennis - sorry for the late reply. This option already exists. If you select "Backup of target" in the Deployment Wizard, the first radio button is "Create a SQL Compare snapshot".
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @T - What are you using the snapshots for? To understand how best to solve this problem, we would need some context about your scenario.
479 votes
Thank you everyone for the suggestions and votes for this over the years.
I’d like to surface up a workaround for the “linking” problem which is mentioned in the comments. For the use case of easing pains around environment setup with a large number of databases, we have had customers find success using code based off Alessandro Alpi’s blog post:
I do understand that this is a broader issue and hear that many of you also want command line or API support for the product in general.
If there are specific scenarios or workflows that would be useful to automate for you, this feedback is also very useful, and if you have details on the type of VCS you use and the workflow (such as a branching model) that it would fit in to, that would be very helpful for us to hear as well.
An error occurred while saving the comment It's worth also adding that we do already have command lines that allow this. To see your changes you can use sqlcompare.exe to compare your dev DB with your local scripts folder, and provided you wan to pull all the changes down, you can so this with the /sync switch. Choosing a subset is possible, but tricky, hence my previous question.
An error occurred while saving the comment This is a great idea, and one that we will have to address as the popularity of VSCode and Azure Data Studio increases. How do you see the commands looking, and how would you expect to interact with them? For example, if there are 10 changes to your dev DB, and you want to commit a subset, how would this work?
An error occurred while saving the comment The reason I ask is that we do have plans to add an auto-link for the shared case, although would you want it to auto-link for everyone, or just pre-populate the repo URL if a user chooses to link it? It's possible to also have something in the dedicated case so long as the extended property is set in the database, and this depends on how the dev DB has been restored/created.
An error occurred while saving the comment @Justin - Are you on the shared database model or dedicated?
An error occurred while saving the comment @Nettec - you should be able to do this with SQL Compare's command line, sqlcompare.exe. You just pick the database as the source, and a scripts folder as the target. Then you use the svn command line to commit the changes. Please contact if you need more help. Command line switches for sqlcompare.exe:
An error occurred while saving the comment We hope to achieve this by storing a database-level extended property with the repository location. This means that linking a database won't require typing in the URL and folder details. I'm not sure this will make the next version, but hopefully not too much longer after.
An error occurred while saving the comment We acknowledge that the one-off set-up is tedious when multiplied by the number of developers. In the next version we'll be starting to store metadata such as version and repository information in database level extended properties. This will allow us in future to auto-link databases once the extended property is detected. This won't make the very next release, but should follow shortly afterwards.
An error occurred while saving the comment @Kit - ideally we'd like to build any automation feature into the product rather than requiring you to automate yourself. Do you envisage that each developer has a way to browse a source control repository, select a version and build and link a database from that version in a single action?
101 votes
Kendra responded
As David mentioned in the comments, we currently recommend Flyway to help version changes for Snowflake.
Flyway doesn’t help with authoring or scripting changes, but it does provide a framework and guidelines to consistently version your changes in a deployable fashion that’s suitable for automation.
Thank you for the suggestion and comments, as well those who have voted.
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for the feedback. In the meantime, a good option is to manage Snowflake using Flyway.
16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @nihar - Please consider using the code analysis command line in the meantime.
19 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Have you considered using the sqlcompare.exe command line along with the git command line to run the script? You can use any scheduler (Windows Scheduler or Agent Jobs).
55 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @Thazul - it's certainly not out of the question and I'd like to see this happen at some stage. We have a MySQL comparison tools already, and the FlySQL project proved the concept.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @Andy - have you considered using the SQL Doc command line instead?
Have you tried the schema mapping feature?