Schedule commit
Ability to schedule that changes are committed daily/weekly/...

Have you considered using the sqlcompare.exe command line along with the git command line to run the script? You can use any scheduler (Windows Scheduler or Agent Jobs).
Mike commented
I also need this - I have something like 400 databases that I need to check into source control on a daily basis (GIT) . there is no way I can do it manually
If I can script it then I can build SQL agent jobs... nice and simple
basically , if someone makes a change on live and bypasses source control then we need to check that in and report it to the DBA team (it's already on live, but not in source control)
Anonymous commented
I, too, would find this very helpful for our situation.
Carlos Guanes commented
I vote YES, we need this too. Please.
Jordon Pilling commented
We have 100's of databases over many servers - Checking in every database manually (usually with the database name as the SVN revision comment) takes hours.
It would be a huge time saver if I could check in all databases using the database name as the SVN revision comment - or schedule commits nightly.