Add Version # to your objects/DB
When running a deployment (especially for the automated DevOps part, but even for creating a deploy script) you should have the option to enter/update a new Extended Property value called like “RedGate Version #” with whatever the version number you get from the source control for that object. Ideally it would be nice to also update that in the database level Extended Property as well, but at least on whatever object you are making a change to with that deployment. That way you can self-document what the latest version control number was for that particular object (or the DB as a whole).
Hopefully that makes sense, if not, please let me know and I’d be glad to do a screen share.

@chris woods - Thanks for this idea. We may eventually do something like this in future so we can better provide reports / audit trails on past deployments, but in the meantime I would imagine you could do this yourself from your deployment tool by adding a step post-deployment that updates an extended property?