Without wishing to start a religious war, am I really alone in disliking all-caps formatting for keywords? I don't want to be shouted at when looking at scripts ... and in our modern era of editors with colour coding it's unnecessary.
And the use of quotes for column names when it's not necessary?
And the inclusion of "NULL" for table columns when it could be left out?
And, for readability, I normally format table creation scripts (and others) so the column names line up, the column types line up, the "not null" clauses (if present) line up, etc.
And any other "cruft" such as NOCACHE PARALLEL (DEGREE 1 INSTANCES 1) NOROWDEPENDENCIES DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT... Perhaps my Oracle knowledge is behind the curve (as to which defaults can be configured when setting up an Oracle instance) but if it's not explicitly specified, I don't want it in my script. Perhaps you can't deduce that by looking at the schema but you could compare the table settings with the database default and omit settings which are the same as the default.
Also, when creating views the columns are all put on a single line. I'd prefer these to be on their own indented line similar to table creation scripts.
IMHO options should be available to define the above sorts of behaviour.

John commented
I don't see consistent formatting by Source Control for Oracle, so I'm assuming it's just pulling whatever is in the database. This causes differences that are only related to formatting. It would be nice to have an option for some level of consistent formatting when doing a compare, or the ability to call out to an external code formatting tool
Anonymous commented
Maybe the ability to customize the sql format like Oracle Developer
AdminNeil Anderson (Admin, Redgate) commented
Hi Gavin,
We've removed the unnecessary quotes for object identifiers in v3 which is soon to be released. Some of the things you mention can be turned off via the project options, the parallel clause for example.
I'll have a close look at the others and see what we can do.