Provide a merge option for conflicts
Instead of take database version, or take source control version, we sometimes wish to merge the two changes.
(If you vote on this idea please also mention any tools you use for merging files in source control)

Kevin Woolfe commented
WinMerge along with built-in merge capabilities in TFS and SVN.
Erik Stok commented
@Richard: Yes, that is what would really help us. We know how to solve a conflict, but at the moment we cannot because we have no means to do it other then preferring one file over the other by force.
Jos Visser commented
I'm using WinMerge (or KDiff3 for three way merging), but any merge tool would be better than none.
But the resolved script should not only be applied to the database, but also to version control. -
AdminRichard Mitchell (Admin, Redgate) commented
So I imagine what we would do is compare the file script and the database script in a merge tool and then on resolve that would become the new file script to be applied to the database.
Is that what people are imagining?
JC Park commented
Perforce P4Merge / TortoiseSVN Merge / Araxis Merge
Brian Lieb commented
Tomas Scott commented
TFS Merge tool
Allen Sun commented
We use BeyondCompare for merging.