Rename column - instead of drop and create
If a column is renamed, Schema Compare for Oracle sees this as a drop and create, so during the table rebuild data is preserved asides from the “new” column.
Could you make this work similarly to SQL Compare and execute a rename instead?

I’ve done the work for column rename detection. This will be a default option in the next release of Schema Compare and Source Control for Oracle.
It probably won’t be perfect but the option can be turned off if it causes problems.
AdminRichard Mitchell (Admin, Redgate) commented
Just tried to recreate that and I'm seeing a different result in my test case. I know it copes badly with very short column names (the longest substring routine is limited).
If you could email the script of the two tables that would be great
AdminRichard Mitchell (Admin, Redgate) commented
Great, I think it doesn't take into account the primary key status and probably not any other constraint in order to add information into the matching. I'll look into improving it now. I will also look into the UI feature but I can't promise anything on that front as there are so many other things I need to finish off currently.
Allen S commented
We had a situation where two columns had been renamed in the same table: u_id -> user_id, and c_id -> id.
It saw one, but not the other as a rename. The c_id column was the primary key, and was the one not detected as a rename.
AdminRichard Mitchell (Admin, Redgate) commented
There is an option to turn it off for false positives however for false negatives I'd much prefer test cases so I can improve the automatic ability of rename detection.
Adding manual column mapping could be done similar to SQL Compare but there's a lot of UI work needed that I don't yet have the time for.
Allen S commented
Now we need a manual column mapping to fix misdetections and add missed detections!