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  2. Is there any plan to support three way merging? Right now DCO is more like pushing or copying then merging. Hopefully Red Gate can support three way merging to make it more useful.

    - Schema A, B, and C are all same.
    - Change data in schema B, also change data in schema C
    - Now do three way comparison, and merge changes back from B to A, and also C to A.
    (Optionally, we can push changes back to B, C to make all A, B, and C same again)

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    1 comment  ·  Data Compare  ·  Admin →
    declined  ·  Richard Mitchell responded

    We have no plans for this change. It would mean far too major changes to the engine and UI and the way the tool can work.

    This could be done currently via the command line and running a series of comparisons one after the other.

    (Also, we plan to rewrite the command line this year to make it more useful as currently the Data Compare one requires project files generated by the UI to work)

  3. in order to restrict the scope of rows to compare, it is often necessary to join the real table under examination with another, rather than just a standard "where" clause.

    allow use of joins with conditions

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    declined  ·  Richard Mitchell responded

    You can perform complex WHERE clauses related to other tables by using other forms for example.

    ID in (select OTHERID from OTHERTABLE)

    Hopefully this workaround is satisfactory.

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