file group
DLM Automation (and related, SQL Compare) needs to have support for custom filegroups, as well as other database-level setting definitions. Right now, any database that has a single object that references a custom filegroup fails validation against anything other than a pre-staged validation database with a bunch of the settings already baked in. There's no scenario in which the product can create a new database, from scratch, if there is a dependency on these objects.
The DevOps story the products are trying to tell breaks down at scale if the whole of the database isn't manageable from the tool.

We now have a couple of ways to handle additional filegroups and other database settings, which have been added in the years since this was created:
- Pre-deployment scripts allow custom creation of files and filegroups. These can contain dynamic logic to implement the filegroups as well.
- The “Clone as Baseline” feature allows a snapshot of a production database to be used as the basis of builds, and clones may additionally be used for development purposes. For many scenarios this makes existing filegroups “just work” in a build scenario.
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