Way to Subscribe to Updates/Release Notes for SCA PowerShell & Other Products
Given the latest release of SCA contains breaking changes due to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient version updates, it would be nice to have an RSS feed for updates to RedGate products, particularly those used in CI/CD pipelines like SQL Change Automation PowerShell commandlets.
This isn't possible to do through PowerShell gallery (e.g. https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/SqlChangeAutomation/4.5.22279.31986) and changes are buried away in the Package Details section, nor through the release notes on RedGate's site (e.g. https://documentation.red-gate.com/sca/release-notes-and-other-versions/powershell-module-release-notes/sql-change-automation-powershell-4-5-release-notes). Some sort of heads up about changes would be nice rather than just finding broken pipelines.