Using Powershell to generate/checkin Migration Scripts for each changeset/commit
We are unable to use SQL Compare to deploy Migration Scripts to all of our environments and simultaneously maintain commit level control over what does or does not get deployed to each environment for each release, especially with the high volume of changes and the number of last minute changes to release choices in the final stages of release planning. The amount of manual review of the final deployment script is unsustainable.
Using Powershell, we would like to auto-generate Migration Scripts for each Commit/ChangeSet and Commit those Migration Scripts to TFS. This would allow us to modify the content of the scripts for each environment and to decide what scripts to apply as appropriately as possible for each environment, using a system that allows a repeatable and sequenced deployment order (also coordinated by Powershell/Octopus).
Instead of using the RGSSC’s UI to create Migrations Scripts for each Commit, we would like to use PowerShell to create the Migration Scripts for all Commits, and use Powershell to check those Migration Scripts in.

Dave Boal commented
Just to be clear, we would like to use Powershell to call SQL Source Control to Auto-generate/Check-in Migration Scripts for each Commit.