Migration Scipts picking up non-selected commits
When creating the migration script if the developer goes through "cherry-picking" the commit(s) that they wish to include in the migration script. It appears that non-selected commits that are between the selected ones are being picked up.
For example if the developer chooses commit 1 and 3 and skips 2 the objects in commit 2 are still showing in the migration script.
I would like to point out that this appears to be a bug and not a feature request, but i am still using 3 votes...
It sounds like you're using the "For specific changes" option when creating a migration script and selecting a couple of different revisions by selecting with the CTRL key pressed. When you generate your script, is your issue that it still includes the changes the unselected scripts contained?
If so, this is normal - it's more a case of the interface not correctly stopping you doing it (i.e. it should ideally force you to select a contiguous set of changes).
Creating a migration script for non-contiguous changes is not possible, because there could be all sorts of dependent changes in the interim revisions that you didn't select that you would then be excluding. When you pick two revisions by holding down CTRL, you could think of it more as "create a script from "this" revision to "that" revision.
In your workflow, I think you'd need to create two migration scripts - one for each revision you want to replace.