BUG: Table stays marked as "changed" even after commit
The source control system keeps thinking a certain table wasn't committed, and marks it up as "changed" to be committed. Here's the table:
-- Columns
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EvaluacionesCiclosEducativosGruposAcademicos]
[CicloEducativoId] [int] NOT NULL,
[EvaluacionId] [int] NOT NULL,
[Grupo] [int] NOT NULL,
[ProfesorId] [int] NOT NULL,
[CursoId] [int] NOT NULL
It doesn't seem to detect this line, and decides it has to insert it again:
DISABLE TRIGGER [dbo].[tD_EvaluacionesCicloEducativosGruposAcademicos] ON [dbo].[EvaluacionesCiclosEducativosGruposAcademicos]
At the time of this writing, it has inserted the very same section 4 times, one after the other, and wants to keep doing it.