Allow SQL Source Control to visualize static data potentially hidden by Row-Level Security
While comparing static data in SQL Compare, there might occur a "red herring" issue where SQL Source Control cannot see filtered table-data due to being read by a user unprivileged for Row-Level Security. Since SQL Source Control cannot see the table-data, it will then suggest to either
a) Fetch all table-data from the linked repository (causing all kinds of PK- and other constraint issues)
b) Commit the deletion of all table-data to the linked repository
We don't want to do either of these actions. Although bypassing Row-Level Security for an unprivileged user isn't possible, it is still possible for an unprivileged user to see the row-count and physical index-stats of a table both by querying system-tables and viewing the "Properties" page of a table. By doing this, it is technically possible for SQL Source Control to see if the rowcount of the table matches the rowcount found in the system-tables and, if they differ, provide a clear warning in the comparison window that this particular table is subject to Row-Level Security and that rows may be hidden to the user.