Select first difference automatically
On the Commit Changes tab, please make it show the first difference in the compare pane.
This is particularly helpful where object permissions are changed often, as it becomes a pain to review a list of otherwise unchanged objects that just have new GRANTs on them. An alternative would be to show permissions as a separate entry to the object.

Did you know? The “Next” button at the top of the diff pane will jump to the next difference in the script. This may help you jump right to where the first change is for now.
harvest316 commented
Helpful, but not a solution. Imagine trying to review permission changes to 300 views. That's an RSI-inducing 600 clicks. An even better solution is one hotkey I can press (ie: F7) that skips to the next difference, and if at the last difference in an object, it skips to the first difference in the next object.