Automatically commit changes as they are made
It would be nice to be able to automatically commit changes in the background when an object is created or modified.

reddy commented
Why would you need to comment change manually ?? if you can get the info of who made a change, when it was made, by who. lets says a database goes thru many changes and you have all this info can you not relates this who/why change was made ?
Simone commented
Working with shared database we don't have problems to leave the DB in unstable state because every runned scripts is persistent so, why don't give this opportunities to those use Shared DB?
lakeland commented
Can I vote against an idea? :)
1. I review every change that is made and this would prevent me reviewing things properly.
2. This would eliminate the useful commit log messages
3. This would prevent atomic commits - I would have many commits that leave the DB in an unstable state (e.g. after the table has been modified but before the related SP has been modified).I don't think source control is a replacement for a backup plan, even if the data does not need backups.