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SQL Prompt



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6 results found

  1. Hi, It would be great, if you add precision and scale on numeric/decimal data types - column hint and table summary.

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    completed  ·  Andrei Rusitoru responded

    This feature was released in version 7.3 of SQL Prompt.

    If there are any missing features please let us know by creating a new suggestion.

    Kind Regards,
    The Prompt Team

  2. Using PIVOT the wrong alias is suggested in the intellisense window as it is the alias from the FROM clause, not the PIVOT clause that is displayed.

    The same goes for the auto complete, where field names is (automatically) prefixed with the wrong alias (I know this feature can be disabled...)

    Ex:[code]CREATE TABLE dbo.tbTest(
    Id INT,
    foo VARCHAR(3),
    bar FLOAT
    INSERT INTO dbo.tbTest
    VALUES (1, 'foo', 2)
    , (2, 'bar', 3)
    , (3, 'foo', 4)
    SELECT *
    FROM (
    SELECT *
    FROM dbo.tbTest AS tt
    ) pvt
    PIVOT (
    MAX(bar) FOR foo IN ([foo], [bar])

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  3. The qualify column names should work with temporary tables as well.

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  4. CREATE TABLE dbo.GrumpyOld (col1 int)

    SQL Prompt will alias the table as GO, which causes problems because it's a batch separator.


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    completed  ·  Andrei Rusitoru responded

    This feature was released in version 7.3 of SQL Prompt.

    If there are any missing features please let us know by creating a new suggestion.

    Kind Regards,
    The Prompt Team

  5. Correctly qualify the Table Value Constructor.

    I frequently use a TVC to find the Max value among several values on a single row, as with the following:

    ;WITH MyCte AS (SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b, 3 AS c)
    HighestNumber = (SELECT MAX(Value.Val) FROM (VALUES (MyCte.a), (MyCte.b), (MyCte.c)) AS Value(Val))
    FROM MyCte

    When I qualify object names within that script, it incorrectly tries to add the 'Value' as a qualifier within the constructor:

    ;WITH MyCte AS (SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b, 3 AS c)
        HighestNumber = (SELECT MAX(Value.Val) FROM
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    completed  ·  Aaron Law responded

    Thanks for letting us know about this issue. It should now be fixed in the latest build of SQL Prompt (

  6. Please enable SQL Prompt to have the same behavior with double quotes as with square brackets.

    For example, typing:
    SELECT * FROM [MyTable]
    will allow the expansion of the asterisk, while
    SELECT * FROM "MyTable"
    does not.

    SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON by default. Also, many Oracle "converts" use the format "SchemaName"."TableName".

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