512 search results
Ability to exclude static table columns when deploying static data · under review
Excluding columns from data comprison with options to include them in the deployment script
Pay attention to case changes in static data tables even if case insensitive collation used
Increase performance of SQL Source Control when using Static Data. Even with small amount of static data the performace is simply not accep
Deploy static data in commit order · declined
I just want to add, query by query, to track changes. When i commit a query, the whole damn DB of queries (1000+) loads. Too cumbersome.
Choose source control label as a version of a data source
Support for PDW (Parallel Data Warehouse, aka APS)
Choose when to calculate static data changes · completed
Support for Azure Data Studio formally (Microsoft SQL Operations Studio) · started
Highlight Implicit Conversions due to Data Type mismatch
Build Plugins - Ignore Static Data
Change the icon in ssms for the tables that are linked as static data.
SQL History showing the query on the preview pane while hovering · under review
Support Change Data Capture (CDC) · completed
Allow comparing/synching static data from source control · declined
Put blue indicators on Object Explorer for changes to static data
Support for deploying static data · completed
search on data type
Add a Rollback Script Save option for both SQL Compare & Data Compare