Support for Azure Data Studio formally (Microsoft SQL Operations Studio)
Microsoft SQL Operations Studio is in preview mode and shows a lot of potential. I would probably switch from SSMS right now if SQL Prompt was supported. Please add SQL Prompt!

SQL Prompt for Azure Data Studio is now in public preview!
The aim of this public preview is to learn from the ADS community about how SQL Prompt can enhance your developer experience, adding improvements and new features based on your feedback.
With SQL Prompt, you can use an extensive collection of code snippets to write your SQL code quickly and efficiently. You can also keep your code consistent using the powerful formatting capability, with the ability to customise the applied style to suit your preferences.
We’d love to hear your feedback. You can get in touch with the team either via the new SQL Prompt in ADS forum: or email us at
Get started with SQL Prompt for Azure Data Studio now. Download it here:
Snypergotya commented
People have been asking for this to be added and the top request by far and still ignored since 2020. Been with SQL Prompt forever but if they cant get with times and still sitting with SSMS it might be time to find other options.
Yitzchok Neuhaus commented
I wish we can have the same cross platform experience for sql prompt. This product is seriously the only thing keeping me on windows. I would long be off, if not for sql prompt
Dave commented
I would really love to see SQL Prompt for Azure Data Studio have an expand * wildcard feature, please.
Anonymous commented
Echoing others...
Tab History (I rely on this)
Tab Colour (very nice to have)
SnippetsHowever, I also really want the auto-complete on Insert Into... EXEC ..... they are huge time savers.
and finally Code Analyzer
Anonymous commented
I'm getting an error trying to install the VSIX-File.
"Die Erweiterung "redgate.sql-prompt" kann nicht installiert werden, weil sie mit VS Code "1.12.2" nicht kompatibel ist."
It's strange, because I don't have VS Code installed?!?
Oleksii commented
I have to browse my SQL assets in ADS while editing in SSMS only because of SQL Prompt. Now I can completely switch to ADS.
Ambrose Little commented
Are there plans to port it so that it can run on Mac? I mean, if I'm on Windows, I use SMS, so the real value add for me is not having to run Parallels to work on the DB with Prompt.
SAinCA_TG commented
Not to be too obvious, but wouldn't the simple answer, at least from my decade with SQL Prompt, be 'every possible thing that SQP does now, do it in ADS'". Sticking with SSMS, despite it being an aged 32-bit idiosyncratic "thing", simply because ADS lacks the productivity of SSMS+SQP.
And as was just asked: ANY movement on this? 235 up-votes. Nothing yet delivered in ADS, after NEARLY TWO YEARS, and "feedback-gathering for FOUR FULL MONTHS (how much more do you realistically need?)...! Agility not evident here.
Andrew Wells commented
Has there been any movement on this? Having Prompt in ADS would be very helpful
Anonymous commented
Tab History
Tab Color -
Joe Hootman commented
#1 - Better intellisense caching - ADS is late or often dead
Formatting and ability to share conventions among team by file ex/im
Code Analysis with shareable rulesets
Tab History
Tab Color
Intelligent rename
Expand wildcards -
Ambrose Little commented
Main features for me:
- Suggestions
- Formatting/Styles
- Snippets (particularly insert/update and expand *) -
Michael Uline commented
We are leaving the SSMS world and heavy users now of ADS. Love SQL Prompt and desperately looking forward to the day Redgate supports ADS. Snippit Manager is are number 1 priority feature.
Amrish Soni commented
I have been a SQL Prompt user for almost 10 years now. We are moving from SSMS to ADS and would like to know when a SQL Prompt plugin will be available in ADS. Basically I cannot live without the snippets that I use it almost all the time.
Sergio Retamal Gutierrez commented
Sugestion view object definition
Anonymous commented
please integrate sql promp into azure data studio, very useful and helps speed up dev.
Shawn Benson commented
Special Characters
Tab History
Tab Color
Aliases -
MohamadArsalan Imamverdi commented
Thanks... -
Michelle Brezenski commented
Query writing
Tab History
Code Analysis -
Matthew Clark commented
So, for my area of roughly 20 devs we mainly use it for writing queries or stored procedures.
The main items that get used are:
1) Custom Formatting
2) Add square brackets
3) Improved intellisense
4) snippets
5) Use the color coding to look for issues / TODOs
6) Open output in excel