Multiple searches open at the same time
You cannot open multiple search tabs in SSMS. This might be by design, but the ability to have multiple search tabs open at the same time rather than having to open new SSMS windows would make the product more flexible and allow easier searching into "child" issues found from the first search result.

SAinCA2 commented
Has Red Gate considered an Open Source approach to accelerate development of these invaluable but non-monetized offerings?
I'd venture there are professionals who have the requisite skills and motivation to help the community. Naturally, if there are some really sacrosanct Intellectual Property artifacts, that won't fly, but on the face of it, searching SQL databases has been done so many times it's hardly rocket science any more. If I only had C# skills...
Sadly we can't as there's no permanent team working on SQL Search. Resource may be allocated to the general SSMS productivity area in the latter half of the year. Personally I'd like to see "script as ALTER" as the default double click action rather than "Select object in Object Explorer", which would be relegated to a context menu. This was the original intention when the tool was designed, but somehow it never happened. I'd also like to see the number of search results as a configurable option. And for non-programmatic objects (eg tables), I'd like to see these scripted out in the lower panel.
SAinCA2 commented
Would Red Gate be able to give participants a rundown of which of these suggestions are likely to see the light of day in a long, long overdue enhancement release?
Some, like this one, having sat here for over two YEARS, appear to be "stale" in the eyes of RG.
Please, don't let uservoice for RG become like Microsoft's near-useless Connect site...!
Stephen Anslow commented
If we can't have multiple searches, allow us, for any number of found objects, to "Open in reference pane" so the highlighting of the finds is retained and we can scroll through (with the proposed Prev-Next buttons) while we look at associated objects either in the main lower pane or other "reference" panes. I can see this being useful with SPs that use nested SPs and/or UDFs, similar for UDFs that call additional UDFs. Sadly SSMS doesn't have the "highlight all occurences" feature that so many useful text editors provide; this feature would be a beneficial substitute, IMO.