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SQL Compare



252 results found

  1. I have some stored procedures created in database A with the statement 'create proc' and in databse B with the statement 'create procedure'.
    An option to allow me to ignore this case will very useful.
    Thanks, Ésio

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  2. Have SQL Compare be able to compare database level settings in sys.databases such as isolation level

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  3. It would be extremely helpful for the compare to highlight the one that is newer. When trying to decide if server 1 or server 2 wins, we need to know which ones were updated more recently on one or the other server.

    Since the date fields are on extreme sides, it's difficult to compare dates.

    Color for the newer one or putting the date columns in the center would be two ways to help with this. Color/bold would be ideal.

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  4. When comparing a source controlled database (SSC) to a live database, it would make sense to use the source controlled database's object filter (filter.scpf file) when running the comparison instead of having to manually recreate the filter inside of the SCP project. Also, it would be better if the SCP project stored a link to the filter file used instead of storing the filter string, as it is very inconvenient to have to maintain these separately. If the filter file is changed in SSC, I want SCP to be able to pick up the change automatically.

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  5. Version 15 adds checkboxes for Encryption and to Trust a server certificate, but if you don't maintain proper certificates you now always need to check the Trust server certificate box on both servers for new comparisons. It would be great if there was an option to default the behavior of these checkboxes to fit your environment.

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  6. Current behaviour: the CSV file represents null as the 8-character string “<NULL>” . e.g. If I have a table with an integer primary key column id, a varchar column a, and a varchar column b, and the table has one newly-inserted row (1, NULL, “asdf”), the CSV file would look like this:

    o “Type”,”idk”,”as”,”at”,”bs”,”b_t”
    o “In1”,”1”,”<NULL>”,””,”asdf”,””

    Desired behaviour: allow the CSV file to represent null as a completely empty entry. E.g. the CSV file would look like this:

    o “Type”,”idk”,”as”,”at”,”bs”,”b_t”
    o “In1”,”1” ,, ””,”asdf”,””

    Suggested options:

    1) Command line switch toggling between…

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  7. We really need the ability to "sync" a database to VCS repository, not just compare. I know this limitation exists by design because conflicts can be missed, but we have a scenario that demands it. We have batch check-ins that can take up to a half a day to commit manually.

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  8. There are cases when for continuous intergration we use Visual Studio Project 2013 to build our databses. Sometimes we need to use database variables these look like: [$(DatabaseName)]. Though Visual Studio can recognize it as a variable, redgate will not and will output that as it is for deployment or comparison.There need to be an option where these variables can be ignored or output using the variable name which is specified in the project.

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  9. It is an option in sql replication to map rowversion/timestamp columns to binary(8) columns. It would be a nice option for sql compare to allow for this difference between databases. Without it every table is flagged up as being different which is a headache.

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  10. I created a new database based on an existing but replaced all datetime columns by datetime2(2) and do not want to show this as difference neither want it be rolled back, when I create deployment scripts.

    Same could happen, if I change the size of a varchar, decimal or integer datatypes (bigint <> int <> smallint ...) and even, if a number is in one database is stored in a varchar field, I could want to ignore this and deploy only everything else

    See also
    which suggests to ignore varchar vs. nvarchar

    BTW: I solved my problem by syncing…

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  11. I'm using the Update software feature directly from the application. we have 3 products licensed, and i have to run all 3 updates separetely. i would be nice to install all 3 products with one setup run.

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  12. For those of us working with data warehouses, using SORTINTEMPDB is the default behavior we need.

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  13. When comparing a VS 2012 database project to a database, when the only difference is ALTER vs. CREATE (which happens because a stored procedure ALTER was executed directly, then saved) the comparison fails. An option to ignore this difference would be very handy.

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  14. The source for create new snapshot defaults to database. Automatically populate Server, Authentication, Database and New Snapshot name using the Database information on the other side of the compare window.

    Customizable name tags for the new snapshot name would be perfect: [SERVER][DATABASE][DATETIME].snp

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  15. There is an option to ignore identity seed values but none for sequence seed values.

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  16. Compare already has a search filter, however it would be great if you could also search within the objects and not just by the object names.

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  17. In SQL Compare make it remember the filter you last choose.

    I set up my filters and saved them to a file. Then picked that file in the filter drop down.

    The next time I bring up SQL Compare, I have to pick the filter again from the drop down. SQL Compare should remember the last one I used. Or give me the option to remember it like The Project Options allow you to save as My Defaults.

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  18. Option to delete identical records from Target.

    I had the need to find all identical rows and remove them from the target as they shouldnt be there. I had to use the export to CSV, and using the data generator create a table with the 81k id's and then perform a delete in sql managment studio on the temp table to delete them.

    It would be so simple an usfull to be able to just select an option to delete identical rows from target in the Data compare or is there an option to control this
    I can choose to…

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  19. SQL Compare
    Sometimes I want to exclude specific items from deployment script when doing a comparison. For example, when comparing a table, exclude a specific trigger on that table.

    This is a SSDT feature that is missing in SQL Compare.

    I know custom filters can be used to achieve this, but this it is cumbersome for "ad hoc" choices, and I could not achieve the results wanted for the example below.

    Using a trigger associated as with a table as an example:
    Assume there is a schema change with a specific table that includes a trigger. Assume that the trigger…

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  20. Project Options - option to ignore parameter default values. i.e. @fundid INT = 150 and @fundid INT = 152 on 2nd db is diff, option to ignore as may want to have different defaults per db but otherwise check sp.

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