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252 results found
Ignore datatypes
I created a new database based on an existing but replaced all datetime columns by datetime2(2) and do not want to show this as difference neither want it be rolled back, when I create deployment scripts.
Same could happen, if I change the size of a varchar, decimal or integer datatypes (bigint <> int <> smallint ...) and even, if a number is in one database is stored in a varchar field, I could want to ignore this and deploy only everything else
See also
which suggests to ignore varchar vs. nvarcharBTW: I solved my problem by syncing the source database with an empty script folder, used Notepad++ to replace all [datetime] by [datetime2] and finally compared the script folder with the target database.
I created a new database based on an existing but replaced all datetime columns by datetime2(2) and do not want to show this as difference neither want it be rolled back, when I create deployment scripts.
Same could happen, if I change the size of a varchar, decimal or integer datatypes (bigint <> int <> smallint ...) and even, if a number is in one database is stored in a varchar field, I could want to ignore thi…
9 votes -
Include a description of the active filter settings used for the comparison in the report output
When generating a comparison to validate/review a deployment, you may use a fairly complex filter to identify the objects to deploy.
If you generate a report to send/configure to a third party, the filter settings you used to generate the comparison are not shown/output (looking at the Active HTML output specifically, but may be true across other formats).
The criteria used for the comparison are integral to the information being generated and should therefore be represented.
1 vote -
Let SQL Compare adopt the Comparison Options of Source Control Source
Unfortunately SQL Compare does not adopt the Comparison Options specified by the Source (here git repository created by SQL Source Control) which are saved in "ComparisonOptions.xml" in the git repository. Instead in SQL Compare I have to click on "Edit project" -> "Options" and check again "Ignore users' permissions and role memberships". This feels somehow not intuitive. During setup of the SQL Compare project a checkbox "adopt comparison options from source" would be nice - or maybe an "adopt" button just after setup.
I saved the SQL Compare project as an .scp file which in fact is an XML file. I see that the comparison option "IgnoreUsers" is saved inside the XML document under /Project/Options. So of course SQL Source Control and SQL Compare are 2 different products but they share alot, e.g. the comparison option dialog. Unfortunately they share not the saved configuration of the comparison option.
Unfortunately SQL Compare does not adopt the Comparison Options specified by the Source (here git repository created by SQL Source Control) which are saved in "ComparisonOptions.xml" in the git repository. Instead in SQL Compare I have to click on "Edit project" -> "Options" and check again "Ignore users' permissions and role memberships". This feels somehow not intuitive. During setup of the …
12 votes -
The only difference in our comparison of the numerous tables is the "WITH EXECUTE AS CALLER". Add option that will allow to ignore this options
1 vote -
When applying data compression differences (table or index), use rebuild partition or rebuild index rather than drop & create, both to minimize impact, and in the case of primary keys on replicated tables, avoid failure because replicated tables can't be dropped.
Single object deployment
When you right click on an object to see the deployment script and other options, include options for running immediately the script to target database. (to make it more interesting,to run the change script to any of the 2 compared databases).
Also, this should be dome on the right and left scripts at the bottom of the page.
Thanks6 votes -
4 votes
Make the script for execution writable
Make the script for execution writable. It would be faster to be edited in you editor that is already connected to the target database and saves time . The alternatives (save or copy) are more time consuming
4 votes -
When deciding to synchronize some objects, at the first screen of the wizard must exist a check-box for not checking for dependencies
When deciding to synchronize some objects, at the first screen of the wizard must exist a check-box for not checking for dependencies, if checked (also I would like this to be the default behavior). This should allow the wizard not even to check for dependencies, which could be faster
1 vote -
Add high contrast or colorblind friendly highlighting
Previous versions of SQL Compare had much higher contrast on change highlighting in SQL View. SQL Compare 13 has a highlight tone that I can barely see at all. Please consider adding either configurable highlighting, or high contrast modes so people with vision issues can easily see changes.
4 votes -
Change scripts should have existence checks on every object they add - tables, constraints, etc.
I've encountered this, especially with default constraints. I generate a change script. I run it on a system. Something happens that causes the script to fail. I fix the problem, but then it fails the second time because the default constraints it is trying to create are already there!
4 votes -
New interface worse than version 11.3
I shortly was using the newest version of Data compare and Sql Compare. And I find it a bit too dark, to crowded. Hard to find the different options to compare, deploy.
I today migrated to a new machine and installed back again version 11.3 and that make me happier than the last version. Also my co workers using the new version are not happy about the user interface
4 votes -
Allow to view objects excluded by filter
Both SQL Source Control and SQL Compare tell me how many objects are excluded by the filter. I can click on the link (button in SQL Compare) to see my filter settings. What I do not seem to be able to do is view the diff for excluded objects. Can you please add a button (or similar) to the UI of SQL Source Control and SQL Compare, that will allow me to toggle the diff table content between included and excluded objects.
4 votes -
/force command no longer creates directory if it does not exist
In previous versions of SQL Compare the /force switch would create the entire file path that was specified for the report output. In version 13, if any of the path does not exist the report generation fails for a 'Could not find a part of the path' error. Only if the path and the file already exist, will the /force switch work.
4 votes -
Problem printing the interactive report
When I print an interactive html report to a color printer, some texts and images of the header come out printed, and the green, red and yellow colors of the types of differences are lost.
1 vote -
find wildcard
plz, add filtering object names by wildcards(* ?) in find box.
thanks...1 vote -
Attempts to add columns to table after dropping it in generated script
I just updated to SQL Compare version and tried to generate an update script for a database.
Several tables should have had two columns added to them but there seems to be a bug as the generated script followed these steps for each:
1 Drop primary key
2 Drop table
3 Add columns to table3 votes -
Possible bug -- changed behavour of Swap left and right button on the data sources page
In the latest version (updated this morning), the swap button changes server names, etc. shown in the header part of the page (source and target), but leaves info filled in on the bottom half alone. Can be confusing as to which server/database/etc. will be the source/left side and which will be the target/right side.
1 vote -
Compare View with a table
just like in sql data compare, it would be nice to compare a view with a table.
1 vote -
Add Ignore whitespace in string literals option
The behavior of the "Ignore whitespace" option was changed in version 13.3:
SC-9967: "Ignore whitespace" option is no longer applied to string literalsThis option would retain legacy functionality by adding the ability to still ignore whitespace in string literals.
3 votes
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