SQL Monitor: Have the option to send an alert each time a job fails.
For all SQL Monitor, but I didn't see an appropriate forum.
I'd like to have the option to send an alert each time a job fails. (similar to an "event"). Ideally we could set a threshold for the maximum number of times we get alerted in a 24 hour period.
This was the behavior before Version 11.2.13 when the behavior was "fixed" to only send an alert the first time a job failed.
The job failing alert now only ends when the job successfully runs. Before, an alert was raised each time the job failed.
While not everyone would want to use the feature, I would love to have the option to toggle it on or off. There are cases where I want to be alerted again if a job fails on a subsequent run, especially if it is a job that runs once a day or once a week.