Rebuilding a DB - bug?
I wanted to test rebuilding my DB from nothing but when I created a new DB with the same name as the old one, SQL source control showed it as already linked (odd but not a problem) but then it told me there were no changes to get and it wanted to commit a drop of everything!
I worked around it by naming the new DB something different
Hi Corrin,
I'm glad you were able to workaround this issue by naming your db something different. You could also unlink your db and then re-link it to the existing repo.
SQL Source Control does not unlink a db if you drop it. Therefore, if a db is recreated with the same name, it automatically picks up the previous link information. Since nothing is in your db, it thinks that everything has been dropped, which is why you were seeing that on the commit tab.
I hope this helps!
Stephanie M. Herr :-)
SQL Source Control - Project Manager