Don't require unlink/relink to change folder
I'm using Sourcegear Vault, but I suppose this could also apply to other SCM tools.
I'd like to see an option to change the source control folder for a database without unlinking and re-linking. This would simplify working with code that has multiple branches.

Thanks for the clarification. I'd be interested in other users' comments on this topic. If it's useful we could in theory allow multiple configured links, and let the user toggle between them.
John Fuex commented
It isn't inconvenient, it is just less convenient. To switch the linkage over to another branch/folder why should i have to re-enter the server url and repository name when I only want to change the folder? Turning 5 steps into 3 for such a common task would just be more user friendly. It's not a huge deal, hence the 1 vote.
Could you please elaborate a little more on why it isn't convenient to unlink/relink?