Stop forcing acceptance of Database Comparison options in Get Latest tab
Long time user of Redgate Source Control and a really annoying feature is when I'm on the Get Latest tab and there is a change to the Database Comparison options in source control. I can only select the Database Options changes to Get Latest. I cannot opt to get any of the other objects until I 'get' the database options from source control. This is not what is needed. The choice of whether I get the database options should be down to me and I shouldn't be forced to do it. Please make it the same as all other objects in the Get Latest tab and allow myself to make the choice.

Anonymous commented
If groups are doing unit tests with tSQLt I almost think it would be necessary to have the option to keep database comparison options local and not required to update to or from. Maybe the option to keep the ignore tsqlt to local...
Anonymous commented
Yes this has caused us some trouble as we have some developers working on another copy of the database (i.e. locally) while doing tSQLt unit testing. If they change the options to show tsqlt objects then the other users on the shared database have to view the tsqlt options which are not on the shared database and so it wants them to drop them. In past verisons we were able to sync the options from source control if we wanted or leave them specific to the task on a local database. It would be most appreciated if we were not forced to check in or get the latest database comparison options when changes exist. thanks.