Upgrade AppData path when installing Upgrade
I've been told this is by design: When upgrading SQL Source control from say v5 to v6 all of the source control linked db configs are left behind in the previous AppData folder (%localAppData%\Red Gate\ SQL Source Control 5\ in my example) not moved to the new upgrade version folder (%localAppData%\Red Gate\ SQL Source Control 6)
This leaves a history of folders in every users profile, and for us 'from the beginning' users I've got v3-v6 folders that I shouldn't need.
I'm told this is for Network and rollback reasons.
I suggest a checkbox or some such thing during the upgrade process to allow for moving of the link files and other necessary items, into the correct folder. If SC needs it, move it. You could even warn me and say 'these files are 15GB in size and may take some time to move, continue or leave it?'