SQL Source Control Configuring Data Compare Options
Make it possible for us to configure how SQL Source Control does its data compare. There are some great settings that work within SQL Data Compare 10 that allow a user to configure how data in each table is compared between data sources. Currently the main feature I want is to allow the selection of table columns to actually compare (i.e. one column is an identity field which isn't always the same).

Michael Melancon commented
And also to re-enable constraint checks. It's extremely annoying to have to go back and remove 'WITH NOCHECK' from every table when there is a data change.
Why would anyone want the default to be to leave their database with all contraints disabled?? I have them there for a reason...
John Price commented
We'd like this too. We frequently have something like a Site table where the list of sites is static but the URL for the site varies by environment. We can exclude the URL columns when making scripts via SQL Data Compare, but for developer SSC check-ins they have to remember to not check that table's data in.