Setup tab link URL should be selectable
The link text on the setup tab should be selectable. It would be an easy change, and when you're creating a new database from the source you don't have to look up the URL somewhere else if you want to "clone" a database.
If you right click on the URL on the Setup tab, you can copy it. I know this is kind of hidden. This works for both SVN and TFS.
Nils commented
Yes that helps, thanks.
Thanks, Rob!
Per my status, I understood this request to be able to select the URL on the Setup tab, almost like highlighting the text on the tab with your mouse...
If this is a mistake per Rob's comment, please vote/comment on the following suggestions:
Browse repositories -
Create new folder(s) in repositories - -
Rob Warthen commented
My guess this is to select the URL you want to go to through some sort of interface, like in TortoiseSVN
Jay Hopping commented
ooo, that is hard to find.
[Deleted User] commented
I don't quite understand what you mean by selectable. Do you mean that you want to copy the URL so that you can easily paste it elsewhere? If so, then if you right click on the URL, a little menu should appear with an option to copy it.
Apologies if that feature is hard to find!