Funny bug: Keep mine not working
Keep Mine has always worked fine for me until today. Now when I click on keep mine it doesn't let me mark the SP as resolvable but if I choose take theirs it does.
If you want to “Keep Mine,” then you need to be on the Commit tab to see the checkbox at the top get selected. Nothing happens until you actually hit the Commit button.
If you want to “Take Theirs,” then you should be on the Get Latest tab. Again, the radio buttons at the bottom just acknowledge what you want to do with the object, but nothing happens until you actually click the “Get Latest” button.
So, if you’re on the Get Latest tab, you can say Keep Mine, but you won’t be able to do anything with that object until you go to the Commit tab. If you are in the same SSMS and you switch tabs, then we should remember your “Keep Mine” acknowledgement and this object should be selected on the Commit tab.
I hope this helps.
lakeland commented
Thanks Stephanie, can't believe I missed that sorry!
lakeland commented
I just _knew_ I should've worked out how to take a screencast.
Yes, the radio button works but having chosen it I cannot choose the checkbox. However if I choose the other radio button then the checkbox automatically checks (and can be turned off).
The change was really simple (deleting a single line of code) so I'm not sure why it was classified as a conflict rather than a normal update.
lakeland commented
In this particular instance I wanted to take theirs anyway but it seems a strange little bug