25 results found
Download install exe option during Check For Updates
Can an option to download the file be added instead of just applying the update? My environment is locked down so my windows login is not an administrator, so I have to use "Run Elevated".
1 voteWe added this option in Prompt 9.5.3. Hope it helps, do let us know if you have any further feedback.
Download install exe option during Check For Updates
Can an option to download the file be added instead of just applying the update? My environment is locked down so my windows login is not an administrator, so I have to use "Run Elevated".
1 voteWe added this option in Prompt 9.5.3. Hope it helps, do let us know if you have any further feedback.
Option to remove gutter menu
Please provide a way to turn off the gutter icon. I do not use it but what DOES happen is that I constantly activate it when I'm selecting and moving around in my sql. It's annoying - extremely.
1 voteHi Nick,
This should already be possible in the latest version of SQL Prompt (7.2.4), you can right click on the icon in the gutter and select “Disable actions list”. Alternatively there’s a check box in the SQL Prompt options on the behavior page for “Show actions list for selected test” and unchecking this should also disable the feature. If you have any problems with it still appearing after you’ve disabled it just let me know.
Aaron. -
Insert Statement Highlighting with Split-Screen
Excellent work by the team in SQL Prompt 6.4 implementing the "Insert Statement Highlighting Column and Value" feature.
It would be great if this could be tweaked to work with split-screen editing. For example, if you have a REAAALLLY wide table, you might want to have your editing cursor in the bottom pane of SSMS but be looking at the top pane.
To clarify, I am talking about allowing the highlighting to work in both the top and bottom panes if you enable Window... Split (or drag the thing down at the top of the scroll bar).
This new…
1 voteWe’ve just release which should have the highlighting on both panes of the split window. You can get the latest build either from Check for Updates inside Prompt or from our website: http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
It would be nice to have sortable columns in the table popup. This way we can see them in ordinal order (as it exists now), or order them alphabetically (or even by data type). Hopefully not much harder than changing a grid column property.
This would make it much easier for our Oracle folks to accept using SSMS, as it seems all Oracle tools do this by default. It would also shut them up. :) :)1 voteThis is included in SQL Prompt 6.4, which you can download from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-prompt/
- Don't see your idea?