Choose users default database first (upon changing server)
When I change server SQL Search indexes all databases on that server before I can do anything, this takes ~ 1 min.
Please, if you could preselect only the database that is default for the current user on the server.
This would speed up my work considerably.
This was not an issue before multiple database search.
Best regards.
Mo Cassidy commented
I think it just needs to be a sticky setting, so every time you go back to that server, the same database selection you had last time is used.
Stephen commented
Another scenario, possibly: SQL Multi Script enables definition of a set of servers in a "family". I have three different sets defined for each nigh on completely distinct application. Would you consider extending "defined server groups" into SQL Search so that when we have selected particular databases for our search and switch to another server in the same group, DON'T swap to the default database, DO perform the same search on the same set of selected databases, bypassing any databases(s) not yet on, for example, QA or Production. I frequently want to see a Search on databases A and B on Dev, then compare that against either QA or Production for the same databases, but as my default is always master, must go about selecting db's again. Any chance you'd consider this, RG? You very kindly whacked the advert banner for paying customers, so you could probably make this a paid-customer-only feature... Thanks for any consideration.