47 results found
Choose users default database first (upon changing server)
When I change server SQL Search indexes all databases on that server before I can do anything, this takes ~ 1 min.
Please, if you could preselect only the database that is default for the current user on the server.
This would speed up my work considerably.
This was not an issue before multiple database search.Best regards.
55 votes -
Schema filter
It would be nice to be able to filter results on schema. We have a number of large databases with multiple schemas. When we're looking for a common phrase or word, it would be nice to be able to select a schema or multiple schemas to narrow down the results.
39 votes -
Coloured 'hotspots' on the scroll bar to show where matching references are
There's already been a suggestion to add next/previous matches, and this doesn't replace that, but helps to show where in the script the next match is (a bit like the difference highlighter on the vertical scroll bar in SQL Compare)
100 votes -
Display line numbers
Can the gui be changed to include line numbers on the left hand side. It'll make it easier to find the actual line in long procs etc.
40 votes -
Add "Find Next/Previous" buttons in the Text area
Add "Find Next/Previous" buttons in the Text area, so, it will jump to the next occurrence of the searched term (highlighted) in the text.
Jermy153 votes -
Add "alter object" next to "select object in object explorer"
For example on a stored procedure, it's time consuming to first click select object in explorer, then right click on the object, then click modify. For a table, same, but clicking design. Plus sometimes if the database sproc isn't expanded yet its slow as the left side menu bounces around expanding first...
215 votes -
Multiple searches open at the same time
You cannot open multiple search tabs in SSMS. This might be by design, but the ability to have multiple search tabs open at the same time rather than having to open new SSMS windows would make the product more flexible and allow easier searching into "child" issues found from the first search result.
78 votes
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